Lake Mary has never lost its focus of promoting a sense of community where people can live, work and play in a safe and friendly environment…that’s part of the reason Lake Mary is still one of the fastest growing areas in Central Florida.
Located approximately 18 miles north of Orlando just off Interstate 4, the City continues to be a choice location for high tech businesses, many of which spend considerable time and money searching for the right place. Among other things Lake Mary is known for its well planned residential communities, excellent schools, prominent businesses including outstanding restaurants, and a variety of shopping opportunities.
The crime rate in Lake Mary is one of the lowest in Florida thanks to our pro-active, community-based Police Department. On the fire side, we have a skilled Fire Department ready to deal with any emergency including rapid response and rescue. Our Parks and Recreation facilities are not only beautifully maintained but offer something for everyone. The bottom line is that Lake Mary has all the conveniences of Orlando without the traffic!
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