A+ Ideas for Kid-Focused Homework Stations
Back to school means back to doing homework. While there are many ways to help children develop good self-discipline, one way is to motivate them by creating an inviting space where they can concentrate and stay stress free. You don’t need a lot of space or a dedicated room for a homework station. Whether it’s a desk in your child’s bedroom, the kitchen table or a nook in a hallway, here are five ways to ensure it’s a well-organized area conducive to getting work done.
Too-Cool-for-School Supplies
Liven up dreary desk supplies by choosing colorful and fun design options, including items like pencils, pens, erasers, paper, crayons, markers and a handy calculator. Stocking up will prevent the all-too-often frantic search for supplies before tackling homework.
No-Noise Zone
Do your best to reduce all visual and auditory distractions by turning off televisions and ensuring the homework area is free of electronic devices and toys. Try to locate the homework station where it’s quieter, away from any highly trafficked living spaces.
Bright Idea
Supply good lighting. Choose a space near a window for natural light or provide a desk lamp or overhead illumination so your child doesn’t have to strain to see their work, which can cause fatigue or, worse yet, headaches. Proper lighting is essential to homework efficiency.
Clean Slate
Avoid clutter on your child’s desk/table by establishing an organization system for their supplies. Make it easy for items to be found so kids can stay focused on their homework. When they’re done, returning everything to its proper place is a breeze and cleanliness is restored for another day.
Star Pupil
Celebrate your child’s unique talents by displaying some of their special artwork, assignments and awards near their homework station to make them feel proud and motivate them to continue working hard.
Creating a comfortable environment for homework is a great way to kick off the new school year on the right foot. Find some more smart ideas for creative kid homework stations here: CravingSomeCreativity.com